34 Weeks Pregnant
Hi friends! I know this is a food blog, but I thought it would be nice to share a glimpse into my life outside of the kitchen. I know I say it sometimes on social media, but for those of you who don’t know, I am currently 34 weeks pregnant. I’m due on December 21 with a girl and I am already madly in love and obsessed with her. This is my first child, so all of this is so new and exciting to me.
I had my 34 week doctor’s appointment this week where I had an ultrasound, but her head is currently facing my back so I didn’t get to see her face. She’s shy and doesn’t like to have her photo taken 🙂 As of today, she is head down and I was told it is ideal that her face is facing my back. I had a sense she was head down because I feel little feet digging into my ribs! Below is a picture from my 19 week ultrasound since we weren’t able to get any good ones today. She is waving hello to all her fans, haha.
Below are some fun things to know about my pregnancy:
How far along: 34 weeks
Gender: Girl
Total weight gain so far: 26 pounds and the baby currently weighs 5 lbs, 7 oz. She is on track to be a healthy baby!
Maternity clothes?: Definitely! There are a few loose/large non-maternity dresses that I’m able to wear, but the majority of my outfits are maternity.
Cravings: I’ve never had any intense cravings my entire pregnancy. I feel lucky that I am craving healthy food. I find myself eating a ton of strawberries, oatmeal, smoothies, scrambled eggs with cheese, bananas, almond butter, whole wheat pasta and dark chocolate. Everything I eat is organic. I don’t mind spending the extra money on organic, because anything I consume, my baby consumes, and I certainly don’t want her eating nasty pesticides! I’m pleasantly surprised I haven’t been that into ice cream (but have definitely indulged a few times)!
Miss anything?: Getting a good night of sleep (I feel so big and am not comfortable sleeping on my side). I was a back and stomach sleeper, so I am excited to be able to do that again in a few weeks! I also miss doing a great yoga class and actually being able to do all the poses. I’m still taking yoga, but there are so many poses I can’t do because of pregnancy (such as twists), or sometimes my belly is just in the way!
Exercise: Until last week I was still doing Flywheel (spinning), but was obviously modifying. My mom and husband were nervous every time I did it, but my doctor approved as long as I was wearing a heart rate monitor. I never let myself get overheated and between each song I would drink a ton of water. I also never pushed myself to the point of exhaustion. I am still doing some light yoga, which is slowly turning into just stretching. Now that I feel too large for Flywheel, I walk about 1 mile around my neighborhood every day for some light cardio.
Symptoms: My only symptom that drives me crazy is I am SOO itchy!! It’s an intense itch and sometimes I itch myself to the point that I am bleeding 🙁 My doctor ran tests to confirm there wasn’t a serious condition, and told me it’s just the raging pregnancy hormones. This itching only affects a small percent of pregnant women and is supposed to clear up after delivery. However, I feel so lucky that I never had any morning sickness the entire pregnancy. I think I would take itching over that any day!
Mood: For the most part I am in a really great, positive mood. I haven’t felt too emotional or crazy! However, I am more likely to cry during certain scenes in movies than I was before.
Baby movement: She is a night owl which I hear is common! She sleeps a lot during the day when I am moving around because all the movement rocks her to sleep. As soon as I get into bed at night she comes out to play. I call her it 10pm zumba class – she has now advanced to level 3, haha! I am now starting to feel kicks in the ribs and sometimes she stretches her arms over her head and it hits a nerve that goes through my hips and down the front of my legs – my knees almost buckle from underneath me when she does it!
Looking forward to: Meeting my little girl! I am truly so excited to see what she looks like and what her personality is like. Also, my mom is coming to Florida for the winter and will be here just before Thanksgiving so I can’t wait for that! She will be an enormous help.
I hope everyone enjoyed this post!
This is one of the best things I’ve ever read!!
Thank you!! love you!
You are going to make the best mommy:):) I am so thrilled for you to have a perfect little mini-me!
awe thank you!!! can’t wait for you to meet her! xox
This just made me so excited! So glad you are having a good pregnancy, and can’t wait to virtually meet your baby girl! Smoothie cheers to the final countdown!
Thank you – that’s so sweet! I can’t wait for you to virtually meet her as well!! 🙂 Big smoothie cheers!!