The Best Gluten-Free Peach Crisp


This delicious gluten-free peach crisp is the most perfect dessert to make during the summer months.

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There is truly nothing I love more than a peach cobbler / crisp. It is my favorite dessert – yes even better than something rich and chocolatey (however that’s a close second). You’re going to be OBSESSED with this easy-to-make dessert with a few simple ingredients. I love that it’s naturally sweetened with just a touch of maple syrup. You’re also going to love the crunch oat topping made with almond flour to keep this recipe gluten-free.

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Ingredients needed for this peach crisp:

Almond Oat Topping:

  • finely blanched almond flour
  • rolled oats: always opt for organic oats and make sure they don’t contain glyphosate since it’s very toxic. I love these sprouted, organic rolled oats that are certified glyphosate-free. 
  • salt: I love pink salt, but any salt works here.
  • grass-fed butter (or coconut oil if dairy-free / vegan): make sure either is melted (in liquid form) and then cooled.
  • maple syrup: my natural sweetener of choice for this recipe

Peach Filling:

  • sliced peaches: you can buy fresh or frozen. If using frozen let defrost on the counter for 30 minutes before.
  • maple syrup: my natural sweetener of choice
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice: for flavor
  • arrowroot: gives the peach filling a thicker consistency
  • cinnamon: for a warming flavor

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  1. I loved this recipe last summer, but now all the steps and measurements aren’t showing! Help!

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